Bowen Technique - Bowtech
The Bowen Technique is not necessarily a 'long-term' treatment programme. Most clients find that a small number of treatments are adequate even for long standing complaints.
The Bowen Technique is a recognised hands-on complementary therapy, which many turn to for significant relief from troubling aches and pains and (often) to address long-standing issues, where clients tell us ‘they have tried everything else’.

Be Strong and Healthy
Bowen Technique - one of the most exciting healing modalities in the world
- Light touch.
- Safe for all.
- Often outstanding results
Benefits of Bowen
The Bowen Technique is considered safe to use on anyone, from new-born babies to the elderly. Some of the wide range of conditions that may respond well to a Bowen Treatment are:
- Sports Injuries
- Stress & Tension Symptoms
- Back Pain & Sciatica
- RSI & Tennis Elbow
- Neck & Shoulder Problems
- Knee & Ankle Problems
- Respiratory conditions & Hayfever
- Menstrual irregularities
- Migraines & Headaches
- Chronic viral fatigue syndrome & ME
- Pregnancy & Childhood Disorders
The Bowen Technique was developed in the 1950's by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong Australia. Bowen became a celebrated therapist, regularly treating over 13000 patients a year according to Australian government statistics